" I am the Lord. I change not." Malachi 3:6

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Held in His hand

This week has been extremely draingin...mentally, emotionally, and physically. I am blessed to have an amazing job, but often it requires more hours than I'd like to spend away from home, my babies. I'm also in school part time...working towards completing my Masters and while completion seems so far away, I know in my heart this is where God wants me right now. I have an amazing husband, Chad. He works for the same company I do and is in the I.T. dept. His job is a blessing because while he works at the office 40 hours a week he can also log into from home and work there in the evenings if needed. We have two amazing boys, Noah(4) and Kylan(2 1/2). Chad is an amazing father, husband, and friend. He is extremely patient, and willing to pitch in and pick up where I can't during the week/weekend so that when i am home I can spend my time with our boys and him. For that I am so thankful. Normally my evenings consist of playing with the boys for an hour...making something for dinner and then Chad takes over and does baths and bedtime, while I start studying. There are weeks like this week though where the hours/days all run together and my head literally starts to hurt from being so tired and unable to retain all that I need to. The amazing thing is though is that I can feel God's hand guiding me and holding me through it all. I can hear his whisper in my ear and gentle voice encouraging me one day/hour/often minute at a time. It is during these special moments that I just stop and pray and am reminded of just how blessed I truly am. I am blessed to have a heavenly Father who knows everything about me...things I may never share, and he loves me all the same. That humbles me to my knees! I am not perfect...not even close. I would love to say that I am a patient person, but i'm not...i'm far from it. But He's teaching me and i'm being stretched and for me it's in that time when i'm being stretched that I feel even closer to Him. Well i'm off to review a couple of chapters before crashing. Have a blessed evening!

1 comment:

Weeksie50 said...

I am sorry you are having a taxing week.. I hope you get to rest over the upcoming weekend..