" I am the Lord. I change not." Malachi 3:6

Friday, April 16, 2010


I can't even begin to tell you just how happy I am that it is Friday! It has been a week~!! I knew last Thursday that this week was going to be a bear with work and it was but it was also great in that I worked out 4 times already with one of them being 5:15 this morning! Yeah! I'm feeling so refreshed and just motivated which has been such a blessing. Today i'm working from home and I just love it. Being able to sit on my love seat in my yoga pants with my cup of coffee and work makes my week. It's nice not to have the contstant interuptions and I am able to crank through so much email! This weekend is a busy but fun one. Tonight my mom and girlfriend J are coming over for Bible Study. My friend J was in Japan for three weeks so we haven't met in three weeks and I'm just so excited to have fellowship with them tonight and get in the word. I'm making weight watchers pita pizzas with hummus, low fat cheese, peppers, and mushrooms for dinner. I'm hoping the weather stays nice so we can enjoy Bible study on my deck. In the years past I haven't had any problems with my allergies but this spring I've been sneezing up a storm!! I think it has something to do with the pollen levels being so high....but i'm ready for the sneezing to stop! :) Tomorrow i'm going to Chicago with my sister to look for her wedding shoes and our bridesmaid shoes which should be fun. I'm trying to think of something fun to do with the boys in the afternoon and then Sunday we have church and hopefully relaxing as a family. I'm planning on getting a longer workout in tonight after the boys go to bed and hopefully squeeze in some quilting. Chad and I took the boys hiking yesterday and had a blast. We hiked to a little creek and found a lot of frogs and the boys were fascinated. Between throwing rocks, finding "dinosaur fossils" and frogs it was a memorable evening! Well that's me in a nut shull for today. I have a ton of notes from church last week and can't wait to share but will need a bit more time to relay the awesome sermon we heard last week. Happy Friday!

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