" I am the Lord. I change not." Malachi 3:6

Monday, May 24, 2010

6years and P90:)

This weekend the hubby and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and I enjoyed every minute of our day together. We packed a picnic lunch and headed up north to go hiking for several hours and had a wonderful time together, not to mention a great work out! We talked, laughed, and talked some more. It was warm, sunny, and full of heart filled memories. My favorite part was our picnic lunch by the lake. We drove home and I took a nap them we went to a really nice place for dinner. As we spent the day reflecting on things I thought back to where we spent our anniversary last year. We went away to tennessee and losing mason was still fresh on our minds and hearts. Last year at this time I couldn't get through a day without crying, I had shutdown, and was grasping to find peace. This year as I look back to all we've been through the past year I'm thankful to be where I am at. My heart it full of joy and peace. I'm more in love with my husband then I could possibly imagine! I look into his eyes and my heart still melts. We have been talking and praying for months and have both decided we went to expand our family and plan on trying after my sisitwr gets married next month. We've had some great talks about another baby, some filled with tears, some with smiles, and others revolving around chads concerns of what if. We both agree that God knows where we are and He is the same today as he was yesterday and last year. Not going to lie and say I'm not the least bit nervous because I am, but Im trusting him to be by our side every step of the way. Now I'm more focused then ever to be in better phsical shape.... I was in such better shape last summer which is kind of frustrating, BUT the hubby and I just started doing P90 today and I'm stoked to see how this joirney progresses. We took all of our measurments and pictures! Now I can't wait for our 30 day picture to see the changes. Here is to a great Monday!

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